My fertile days

Since infertility has become an increasingly prevalent issue, many couples and individuals are too quick to seek IVF services. However, sometimes a more basic and simple approach produces better results, without any hardship or unnecessary costs.
For fertilization to occur, the man’s sperm must make contact with the woman’s oocyte, meaning that the oocyte must be released from the ovary first, in order to be available to the sperm, a process known as ovulation. Ovulation happens during a relatively narrow time window of approximately 3 days, considered as the “fertile days” of the cycle, therefore properly timing and scheduling intercourse accordingly is key.
Ovulation typically occurs 14 days before the next menstrual period in a regular cycle, meaning that in a 28-day cycle, ovulation typically occurs on the 14th day. Therefore, intercourse with ejaculation within the vagina 1-2 days before and after the day of ovulation offers the highest chances for conception.
Note that fertilization may occur even if intercourse was performed 5 days before ovulation and there are additional factors that may affect the duration of “fertile days”, factors associated with both female and male fertility. If timed intercourse fails for 12 months of active attempts, or for 6 months for women older than 35 years, you should consider the possibility of infertility.
However this is not the end of the world. At EmbryoClinic, we offer a wide variety of services for both women and men, which can help you fulfill your dream of starting a family.